Since our last post about situational awareness and perceived racism we (I) had quite a few surprising responses, some positive, some not so much. What is important to me is that I had a VERY large portion of the community that reads our content be extremely supportive. From the bottom of our heart at EMP2C, THANK YOU. Our last post was the most viewed content we have ever posted and that alone speaks volumes to me.
With that being said, I like to double down on questionable odds, so this week were going to post another controversial topic!

When EMP2C first started we posted video’s that had to do with topics on COVID, statistics, science, and important issues that we were seeing. Especially those that we felt were causal to the type of content we were seeing being put out by the mainstream media and other predominate sources. One of those videos was about bias and how bias effects our decisions making skills. In my opinion, If COVID has done nothing else, it has shown us the power of personal bias and how, when we couple uncertainty with Bias we get this visceral reaction of US against THEM, because THEY don’t think the same as US.
With my work in Emergency Management and with my pulse on the community, I have been saying for the last several weeks that the COVID situation is regressing and that we are going to find ourselves in a mandatory masking situation if not worse. Unfortunately, that appears to be the case and should be announced very soon. To me, the worst part about these conversations that I would have with clients and other people always left me feeling as though it was still an US vs THEM situation. It always seemed as though their personal bias always shone through.

Recently the CDC made an announcement regarding the Delta Variant, vaccinated individuals, and the need for vaccinated individuals to wear masks to help prevent the spread of COVID and especially this new variant. The CDC is quoted by The Washington Post as saying:
“Citing new data showing vaccinated people can spread infections caused by delta variant, health officials also call for all teachers, staffers and students in schools to wear masks, regardless of their vaccination status”
This has always been the case and is how vaccinations work. Vaccinations are not a cure. Vaccinations are created to allow our bodies to have defenses in place to work against disease, not to irradicate disease all together. When one group of people opt to have a vaccine and another group does not, guess which group will have a bad time.
What makes me sad is that people have taken this announcement, that they didn’t understand, and are using it as a tool to push their own bias and beliefs.
Let me be clear. I make no money from these posts. I do not get paid by big pharma or local government. I write these posts because I feel it is important to have these conversations and for this information to get out. Hell, I wasn’t even fully vaccinated until just last week, not because I think the vaccine is bad, but because I make data driven decisions and honestly, I rarely leave the house.

So let’s make this crystal clear.
YES, vaccinated people will spread the disease they are vaccinated against to other people.
Yes, unvaccinated people will be the outstanding majority of people that catch the disease that is being spread.
YES, vaccinated people can still catch the disease that they are vaccinated against.
NO, the intensity and severity of that illness will not be the same as the intensity and severity that will be felt in an unvaccinated person.
NO, this is not proof that the vaccine doesn’t work, it is quite the opposite.
Yes, saying that this is proof that the vaccine doesn’t work, or the vaccine is just the governments way of controlling you, is nearly the same as you saying the earth is flat or that the government replaced all the birds so that it could spy on you.

In the Mid-Atlantic region, only 52.4 percent of people are fully vaccinated. I guarantee that if you walk around stores or downtown, much more than 52.4 percent of people are unmasked. That isn’t even accounting for the large population of people who are fully vaccinated but still choose to wear a mask for various reasons (mainly in support of others).
If I am vaccinated and do not wear a mask because I have protections, and you choose not to use any protections (including wearing a mask), please don’t wonder how you got that illness.
Many of you don’t know me but for those who do, you would probably agree that if someone were to use a character trait to describe me, there is a 50% probability that they would describe me as “compassionate” or “caring to a fault” … while the other 50% would describe me using a 4-letter word that rhymes with “hick” or well use your imagination. I would proudly say that both groups are 100% correct! People referring to you as a 4-letter word often comes with the territory for people who are passionate about things, and who are looking to make a positive impact on their little piece of this earth. We will often not all agree on things, but the important thing is that we take the time to be respectful and look at other people’s point of view from all sides. I would also encourage you to take a long look at the facts and information for yourself. If there is something that you don’t understand about what you are reading, if you don’t know what to do, consider reaching out to EMP2C to have a conversation or put together a plan. Our services are listed at but we offer so much more, reach out today!